"Wind mania - The wind mania and its climatic consequences" - download here

is the title of the book by Manfred Brugger from Tettnang, published by Novum-Verlag. The book, which is based entirely on scientific principles, deals with the consequences of the use of wind power. Although many key questions about climate change remain unanswered, politicians have initiated massive transformation processes with huge financial risks.

The book provides answers to many of these unanswered questions. These answers are substantiated physically and scientifically by comprehensible calculations. One focus is on the consequences of energy extraction from the climate system through the use of wind energy, as well as the resulting dangers. It is shown that the transport of water vapor by the wind is completely forgotten or underestimated, with the consequences of the formation of heavy rain or droughts.

A change in the climatic conditions on our planet over the last 20 years is obvious and can be felt and observed by everyone. The reason for the increase in temperatures and weather extremes is generally blamed on "climate change", which in the general public debate is attributed in particular to the increasing trace gas carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere and is therefore presented as man-made.

One way out of the supposed climate dilemma is proclaimed to be the massive use of wind energy, because wind seems inexhaustible, when it blows, it is simply there. Energy for free?

When wind energy is used, the kinetic energy of flowing air masses is converted into electrical energy. This energy extraction has a striking effect on the currents! The effects of the massive withdrawal of energy from the tropospheric system on the flow behavior and thus on the weather and climate directly associated with the wind are neither questioned nor investigated.

The book Windwahn deals with precisely this question and comes to the conclusion that the massive intervention has thrown the natural system out of balance through feedback effects and will do so even more if the expansion proceeds as massively as planned. Worldwide, the path to decarbonization, especially the entry into the planned hydrogen economy, will remain a dead end unless a miracle happens.

The book concludes with a politically highly explosive conclusion for the climate of the future if the expansion of wind energy continues as planned. According to the author, the agreement reached on April 24, 2023 by the political leaders of 9 countries to increase offshore capacity in the North Sea to 300 GW by 2050 will not protect the climate, but will have the opposite effect: it will lead to a climatic super disaster.

The foreword to the book by Dr. rer. nat. habil. Martin Bülow ends with the statement: "The book "Windwahn" is aimed at all those, young and old, who are interested in a generally understandable description of the scientific principles and social consequences of climate change. It is particularly useful for the younger generations, who are being told that they are the "last ones". It should also be read carefully by those in politics and business who are responsible for the well-being of Germany and other countries.